
WMATA property in Wheaton just got more attractive to developers

This morning the County Council voted to approve the More Housing at Metrorail Stations Act. This will incentivize residential development above Metro stations that don’t currently have buildings above them. Where are there big chunks of underdeveloped land sitting directly on top of Metro? Glenmont, Wheaton, and Forest Glen all are in this position. (Some stations at the opposite end of the Red Line too.) This bill was supported by the Sierra Club, and the Coalition for Smarter Growth. County press release has the details.

With the world currently going to hell in a hand basket it’s hard to get too excited about this sort of thing. (Probably why I haven’t posted in a while.) But it’s good to see the Council doing the work ahead of time so that hopefully when we do claw our way out of the abyss that is 2020 we’ll be in a position to keep adding housing and new amenities on this end of the Metro. I don’t love the idea of big tax breaks for developers, but this bill makes a good case for why they are needed in this instance — the added challenges and expense of building above Metro, and the public good of having new housing in proximity to public transportation.

Here’s hoping something gets built before December 31, 2032 when the sunset date for the legislation arrives.


WMATA Parcel Swap

I’d noticed that the WMATA land parcel just north of the new AVA apartments, and south of the Leesborough community, had a for-sale sign up last Spring. And when that sign came down I figured someone bought it. But who? Kind of shocked to discover that it may just be the Montgomery County Department of Parks, A.K.A. the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC). Yep, Wheaton’s soon-to-be new occupant of that shiny glass office building might grab this unused prime piece of land for just shy of $9M. And they want to swap it. The Montgomery Housing Partnership (MHP) would get the land that faces Georgia Ave, and Wheaton would get a brand new urban park where the Amherst Square Apartments currently stand.

Planning Board Memo about the potential purchase and swap (PDF)

Visual aid from that memo:

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Since it’s hidden in a PDF I’ll post the summary here:

The WMATA Parcel on the north side of the Wheaton CBD is a rare opportunity to acquire land for urban recreational needs in a growing CBD. This proposal is to acquire the WMATA Parcel and enter into a Land Exchange agreement with MHP to exchange the WMATA Parcel for the Amherst Parcel B (Figure 2). The Amherst Parcel B is a preferred location for an Urban Recreational Park to serve the many multi-family dwellers in and near the CBD. The WMATA Parcel is a preferred location on which MHP intends to construct new affordable multi-family housing.

As far as I know none of this has been approved yet. And as with everything else in Wheaton it may be years before anything actually gets built. The park would come last, as the new housing construction would come first, then demolition of the old housing, then construction of the park.

Interestingly the memo notes:

While this proposed Land Exchange is the preferred way forward to implement the future park, note that the acquisition of the WMATA Parcel is not contingent upon a final agreement with MHP for the land swap. A new park on either the WMATA Parcel or Amherst Parcel B will serve to provide a variety of walk-to active, contemplative and social recreation amenities in a dense, growing, and underserved community. If for some reason the Land Exchange does not come to fruition, the Department of Parks will pursue an urban recreational park on the WMATA Parcel to meet the growing needs of the Wheaton community.

I imagine Leesborough and Avalon Bay might prefer this scenario. But I understand why the planning types like the win-win of the updated housing and the new park located away from the state highway.

Speaking of those planning types — I for one can’t wait until they move in and start applying all their planning do-gooder ideas to Wheaton. More parks!!


The Gateway Meeting

The good news is that the old Ambassador should be coming down next month. This eyesore that’s been sitting vacant for years will be demolished down to the concrete pad. As will the structure behind it.

The less good news is that we’ll be living with that concrete pad for 4+ years as the earliest construction may start for phase 1 of this project is 2023. And the developer rep didn’t really sound optimistic about that. So it goes in MoCo. Better it get built right than fast I guess.

The meeting on Tuesday consisted of a 20 minute introduction, followed by an invitation to mill around the 5 or 6 subject tables and talk to relevant reps if you could manage to buttonhole one of them. I’d estimate 60 or 70 people showed up to participate.

The intro was mostly done by Goyer Roberts, Development Manager for the Duffie Companies. He outlined many of the same points that were made in the invite letter. Wheaton is a special place. This site is the gateway to the CBD. Opportunity to do something great. He emphasized Duffie’s expertise with LEED certification, and their longterm interest in the project — that is they plan to hold the property long term and are not the kind of company that builds and runs. I like that they’re local and emphasize environmental development but can’t help noticing that their portfolio doesn’t include much of this type and scale. Willco has larger projects to point to but it certainly felt like Duffie is the lead on this.

The HOC rep spoke briefly about how happy they are to be ridding themselves and the community of the Ambassador building. And that they view this as a forward looking way of doing HOC projects. Mixed-use, mixed-income, multi family, versus the single occupancy converted hotel rooms that made up the Ambassador. The residential portion is to be 75% market rate and %25 MPDU. (I think that’s what the slide said, if anyone was there and heard differently please correct me.)

The biggest surprise was that they already have something lined up for the commercial piece of phase 1 — Comunidad Food Hall. This was pitched as a win-win-win for the community and the development. The food hall would serve as both a career training program for food service workers, an opportunity for local entrepreneurs to open stalls at a fraction of what it costs to open a stand-alone restaurant, and a community draw for the commercial space on the ground floor. No chain restaurants allowed. Does sound like a great idea to me. (The cynic in me would say a little too utopian but I try not to listen to him.) The scale would be similar to Union Market in DC. I have all my fingers crossed for this. Sounds super cool.

The other interesting bit — an internal street grid for the space:


With a roundabout and everything. Like a tiny little Pike & Rose. Parking would be all underground. Three phases with Future Phase 2 and Future Phase 3 currently having no details that I heard. A mock up of the zoning allowed heights is illustrative of the potential scale:

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My biggest concern — my hobbyhorse for all of Wheaton really — is that they can get the SHA to improve the intersection at Veirs Mill and University before this project is done. What a waste if they build something great and no one can get there on foot without taking their lives into their own hands. You know, kind of like the new library. But enough of that negativity. This is progress! If they can manage to pull off what they presented at the meeting — true mixed-use, affordable and market rate housing, interesting architecture, a food hall, all connected to the new BRT — this could be great!

Anyone have additional details or gripes, that’s what the comments are for ↓



Wheaton Gateway LLC

So the big Ambassador + Lindsay + HOC project is real! I’ve been seriously out of the loop on recent development project news, but today NextDoor delivered more than just LOLs  with a link to this PDF . Thanks helpful NextDoor user!!

And here’s that PDF as native web content so that it’s searchable and not hidden. (This is supposed to be a public announcement after all.)

You are invited to attend a visioning workshop to talk about Wheaton Gateway, a proposed redevelopment located at the intersection of University Boulevard and Veirs Mill Road. The site is currently home to Lindsay Ford, Mattress Firm, and the former Ambassador Hotel (the demolition of which slated to begin in the coming months). We understand the importance of this major intersection, the need for this development to contribute to the vision for a revitalized Wheaton, and the potential for this development to be a prominent entrance into the Central Business District.

The project is led by a partnership formed by The Duffie Companies (a family owned business focused on highly sustainable building and headquartered in eastern Montgomery County), Willco (a leading developer, owner, investor and manager of firstclass commercial real estate based in the Washington, DC Metropolitan Area) and the Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County (HOC).

Wheaton is a place of authenticity, ethnic diversity, and deep historical roots. With this foundation, our team is confident that Wheaton is poised to capitalize on the qualities that already make it such a unique place to live, work, and play. This is Wheaton’s time to shine, and we believe that this project will play a major role in the community’s continuing, evolving story.

In recent years, several surveys and plans have been put forth by others for Wheaton’s future and many Wheaton residents have provided valuable feedback. Our development team has worked to learn from these previous efforts. We also recognize many of the goals outlined in the Wheaton Sector Plan, including reinvigorating downtown by creating a more walkable community with a distinct identity, fostering an environmentally-sustainable community, creating a vibrant mix of housing types and job opportunities, and designing quality public spaces that are inviting to pedestrians.

Our team’s vision is to create a new mixed-use residential and retail property that will include mixed income multi-family housing and commercial spaces consistent with the Wheaton Sector Plan. While our team looks forward to contributing toward Wheaton’s continued growth, we are eager to hear from you. We hope you can help us understand where you see opportunities and challenges in our ambitious redevelopment efforts. Accordingly, we invite you to meet our development team at one of these upcoming community meetings:

Wednesday, June 12, 2019 from 7 to 10 p.m.
Highland Elementary School 3100 Medway St Wheaton, MD 20902

Saturday, June 15, 2019 from 10 a.m. to Noon
Highland Elementary School 3100 Medway St Wheaton, MD 20902

Please RSVP at

If you are unable to attend either community meeting, you may voice your vision for Wheaton Gateway online anytime at There you can take our survey and submit your feedback to our development team. We hope you can join us at one of our community meetings and we look forward to meeting you soon.

Best regards,

Shane Pollin
Director of Development
The Duffie Companies

Stacy L. Spann
Executive Director
Housing Opportunities Commission

Bob Eisenberg
Chief Executive Officer

Not sure how the ridiculous moratorium fits with some of these stated goals. And a little disappointed that the website is not there. But hey, progress!! This is a really prime piece of real estate. Here’s hoping that can come through on what they’ve outlined in this letter. I’ll try to make this meeting next week and write it up. Stay tuned…

P.S. According to a second hand account of meeting I didn’t attend a candidate for planning board said that the moratorium scuttled a $650M plan at Wheaton Plaza. What?! Anyone know anything about this?


Ambassador Still Sits Empty, Maybe 2019 is the Year?

Checked in on the MCHOC 2017 Fiscal Report to see if there was any movement on the long vacant Ambassador Apartments property. Just this bullet point:

  • Ambassador: The Ambassador Apartments are located at the corner of Veirs Mill Road and University Boulevard in Wheaton. The building was originally constructed as a hotel but converted into a 162-unit apartment building in 1994. The Ambassador was funded with a tax-exempt loan from HOC and equity from the syndication of LIHTC—six years remain on the 30-year restriction period. The Ambassador is an aging structure in need of significant renovation. As a result of the extensive renovation needs, HOC conducted resident relocations in July 2016 into more appropriate affordable housing. HOC consulted with the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development regarding the years remaining under the Extended Use Covenant in addition to negotiating with the owner of the retail units at the site to develop a long-term strategy. HOC staff is still working with developer Willco to finalize an agreement for the redevelopment of the site. Construction is anticipated to begin in 2019.

Certainly would be ridiculous if it had to sit empty and deteriorating until the covenant expires in 2024. Here’s hoping it can be combined with the Lindsay property and turned into something useful for the community and replace some of those HOC low income units that were lost two whole years ago now.

Speaking of the Lindsay Ford property — the county gave approval earlier this month (with minor conditions) for the plan in Aspen Hill, paving the way for the move out of Wheaton.

If you like renderings of new car dealerships here you go:


Lindsay Move Could Open up a BIG parcel

So Lindsay Ford is looking to move up Georgia Ave to Aspen Hill. I’m assuming that means moving everything out of Wheaton which covers a LOT of area within the Sector Plan Boundary. There’s the primary dealership location, collision center, used car lot, Super Center space between the CVS and the Metro garage. Add to this that the main chunk of property is contiguous with the Ambassador Apartments property already slated for redevelopment and this looks to me like a lot of opportunity for something substantial.


And of course this is a parcel that was up-zoned in the 2010 sector plan.

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The Lindsay portion (minus the lot on the north side) is now CR 3.0 with a 100′ height limit. The Ambassador is CR 5 and 130′. Add to this the fact that all of it sits on the proposed BRT line and it makes sense.

I assume the Super Center is leased space and not Lindsay property. Vaguely remember that being a strange clothing store for a brief time during the great recession. I’m guessing it’s Westfield real estate? If so, nice spot to knock down existing structure and put up residential high-rise smack dab in between the mall and the Metro, with views of the new town square and civic building.

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Ambassador Redev — nothin ’til 2019 “at best”

Hadn’t checked in for a while, so I did a little Googling to see if there was anything new at HOC on the redevelopment of the Ambassador Apartments. This from  the 2016 HOC Annual Report:

Ambassador: The Ambassador Apartments are located at the corner of Veirs Mill Road and University Boulevard in Wheaton. The building was originally constructed as a hotel but converted into a 162-unit apartment building in 1994. The Ambassador was funded with a tax-exempt loan from HOC and equity from the syndication of LIHTC—seven years remain on the 30-year restriction period. The Ambassador is an aging structure in need of significant renovation. HOC conducted two emergency evacuations and by July 11, 2016 relocated all residents into more appropriate affordable housing. HOC is still in discussions with the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development regarding the years remaining under the Extended Use Covenant and anticipates reaching a resolution for placement of the 162 units for the remaining seven years. At the same time, HOC continues its negotiation with the owner of the retail units at the site to develop a long-term strategy for the site. At best, if a redevelopment plan is undertaken, construction would commence in 2019.

So, I guess this means that it’s been sitting empty for over a year now, but there is no chance of putting anything useful at this prime location anytime soon. This was built as a HoJo Motor Lodge in 1964.


Glenmont to get a Wegmans?

Checked the Winchester Homes page for Glenmont MetroCentre project which led me to the JBG Glenmont project page which has a nice, if kind of generic, rendering:

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But more interestingly there is a project PDF that includes this site plan:

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So is Wegmans a done deal? Can’t seem to find any other evidence on the interwebs. Anyone know?

Another interesting screen grab from the PDF:Screen Shot 2016-05-25 at 4.51.37 PM

BB&T / AVA Uncategorized

Old BB&T Coming Down, New AVA Website Up

Seems like a crew of 5 people or less has spent the last 6 months slowly tearing down the old BB&T building. That will have to count as progress on the galacial-paced project. It’s almost as if Avalon Bay is dragging their feet, hoping other recently completed apartment projects fill up before AVA comes on line? According to @_chrisgillis the Exchange is mostly full.

There is a new page up at

According to the marketing department it’s “Coming Spring of 2017”. Some nice new renderings to enjoy while we wait.


Library / Rec Center

Library/Rec Center Update Coming September 15, 2015

According to the MoCo website the community will get some more details on Monday, September 21, 2015 – 7:00 – 9:00 PM, at the Wheaton Volunteer Rescue Squad. PDF here

Here’s hoping that they’ve figured how much this is going to cost and the Council and Exec are on the same page.

The original schedule had construction to start Summer 2015.

June’s Presentation (PDF)
April’s Presentation (PDF)